Monday, August 4, 2014

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. Buy Self-Tanners & Bronzers online OSAKA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Panasonic Healthcare Co. Ltd., heeft zijn laatste oplossingen tentoongesteld tijdens de International Modern Hospital Show 2014. In lijn met het thema Providing optimal healthcare for each individual liet Panasonic van 16 tot 18 juli zijn nieuwste systemen voor ziekenhuizen, artsen, thuiszorg en farmacie zien. De Japanse elektronicafabrikant toonde zijn systeem voor het automatisch tellen van tabletten en distribueren van medicijnen. Buy Compazine (Prochlorperazine) without prescription Deze internationaal verkochte technologie sorteert en verpakt, geneesmiddelen, nadat het systeem informatie over doktersrecepten heeft ontvangen van een elektronische tabel. Het pas ge"introduceerde Healthcare Notebook geeft pati"enten de mogelijkheid recepten te fotograferen en met een gratis app te verzenden naar apotheken. Cordarone (Amiodarone) with free Rx Panasonic liet ook zijn oplossing voor artsen Medicom-HR III zien. Colcrys (Colchicine) without prescription De functionaliteit en bruikbaarheid van dit systeem heeft uitstekende feedback gekregen. Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Buy Del-Beta without Rx Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, welke als enige rechtsgeldig is.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ERYTECH meldet Aufnahme des ersten Patienten in die Phase-II-Studie zu ERY-ASP bei Pankreaskrebs

LYON, Frankreich--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ERYTECH Pharma (Paris:ERYP) (Euronext Paris: FR0011471135 - ERYP), das franz"osische Biopharma-Unternehmen, das innovative Behandlungen zur „Tumor-Erstickung” bei akuter Leuk"amie und anderen onkologischen Indikationen mit ungedecktem medizinischem Bedarf entwickelt, gibt die Aufnahme des ersten Patienten in seine Phase-II-Studie zu ERY-ASP bei der Zweitlinienbehandlung von Pankreaskrebs bekannt. Drei Monate nach der Genehmigung durch die franz"osische Zulassungsbeh"orde f"ur Arzneimittel ANSM wurde der erste Patient in die Phase-II-Studie aufgenommen. Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss der Phase-I-Studie zu Bauchspeicheldr"usenkrebs im Sp"atstadium, im Rahmen derer die Vertr"aglichkeit von ERY-ASP bei einer sehr schwachen Patientenpopulation nachgewiesen wurde, hat sich ERYTECH zu einem fr"uheren Zeitpunkt dieses Jahres entschlossen, die Entwicklung seines Hauptprodukts ERY-ASP bei soliden Tumoren mit der Durchf"uhrung einer Phase-II- Studie bei Zweitlinienbehandlungen f"ur Patienten fortzuf"uhren, die von progressivem metastasierendem Pankreaskrebs betroffen sind. Neben der Standardtherapie wird ERY-ASP im Rahmen einer Studie an circa 90 Patienten mit dem Behandlungsstandard bei einer Randomisierung im Verh"altnis 2:1 verglichen. Der prim"are Endpunkt ist das progressionsfreie "Uberleben (Progression Free Survival, PFS) nach einer 4-monatigen Behandlungsphase. Allein in Europa und den USA werden j"ahrlich rund 125.000 neue Patienten mit Pankreaskrebs diagnostiziert. Mit einer F"unfjahres-"Uberlebensrate von weniger als 10 Prozent ist Bauchspeicheldr"usenkrebs eine der aggressivsten Krebsformen "uberhaupt. „Neue Arzneimittel f"ur die Zweitlinienbehandlung von Bauchspeicheldr"usenkrebs sind dringend erforderlich. Boniva (Ibandronae Sodium) Die Erstickung von Tumoren in Aminos"auren durch ERY-ASP ist ein innovativer und viel versprechender Ansatz. About Buspar (Buspirone) Ich bin sehr froh "uber den Beginn dieser Studie”, so Professor Pascal Hammel, Studienleiter, Bereich Gastroenterologie und Pankreatologie am Hopital Beaujon (Clichy- Frankreich). „Der schnelle Start dieser Studie ist ein guter Indikator f"ur das grosse Interesse an unserem Produkt seitens der "Arzte, um diesen bedeutenden medizinischen Bedarf in Bezug auf Pankreaskrebs zu erf"ullen. About Boniva (Ibandronae Sodium) with no prescription Mit unserem innovativen Asparaginase-Produkt hoffen wir, einen Beitrag leisten zu k"onnen, um die Optionen zur Behandlung von Patienten mit dieser furchtbaren Krankheit und anderen soliden Tumorindikationen zu erweitern”, erg"anzte Gil Beyen, Chairman und CEO von ERYTECH. Cyproterone with free Rx „F"ur ERYTECH ist es ein bedeutender Meilenstein, nun das Gebiet von soliden Tumoren zu betreten.” "Uber ERYTECH und ERY-ASP/GRASPA®: .erytech.comERYTECH ist ein franz"osisches Biopharma-Unternehmen, das Krebspatienten, insbesondere mit akuter Leuk"amie und bestimmten soliden Tumoren, neue Behandlungschancen er"offnet. Buy Protein online Das Unternehmen arbeitet zudem an der Erg"anzung weiterer Indikationen, darunter solide Tumore und bestimmte Orphan-Indikationen ausserhalb der Onkologie.ERYTECH ist am regulierten Markt der Euronext in Paris notiert (ISIN-Code: FR0011471135, Tickersymbol: ERYP) und ist Bestandteil der Indizes CAC All Shares, CAC Healthcare, CAC Pharma & Bio, CAC Small, CAC Mid&Small, CAC All Tradable und Next Biotech. Die Aktien von ERYTECH sind f"ur den PEA-PME-Sparplan (franz"osischer Aktiensparplan f"ur KMUs) zugelassen. Weitere Informationen "uber das Unternehmen sind verf"ugbar unter "Uber ERYTECH und ERY-ASP/GRASPA Zukunftsbezogene Aussagen Diese Pressemitteilung kann zukunftsbezogene Aussagen, Prognosen und Sch"atzungen („Aussagen”) in Bezug auf die Finanzlage, die Betriebsergebnisse, die Strategie, das Projekt und die erwarteten k"unftigen Ergebnisse von ERYTECH Pharma beinhalten. Die von ERYTECH Pharma bei der franz"osischen Autorit e des March es Financiers ( eingereichten Dokumente, die zudem auf unserer Website ( erh"altlich sind, beschreiben derartige Risiken und Unw"agbarkeiten, f"ur die ERYTECH Pharma keine Zusicherungen oder Garantien "ubernimmt. Ausserdem gelten derartige Aussagen ausschliesslich am Tag der Ver"offentlichung dieser Pressemitteilung. ERYTECH unterliegt keinerlei Verpflichtung, zukunftsbezogene Aussagen zu aktualisieren, sofern eine Aktualisierung nicht nach franz"osischem Recht erforderlich ist. F"ur weitere Informationen "uber zukunftsbezogene Aussagen lesen Sie bitte Zukunftsbezogene Aussagen Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext ver"offentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. "Ubersetzungen werden zur besseren Verst"andigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original ver"offentlicht wurde, ist rechtsg"ultig. Gleichen Sie deshalb "Ubersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Ver"offentlichung ab.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

ONCODESIGN 1st Half of 2014

. Buy Cosopt without prescription DIJON, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ONCODESIGN, a biotechnology company serving the pharmaceutical industry in the discovery of new therapeutic molecules to fight cancer and other serious illnesses with no known efficient treatment, today announces its revenue and cash position for the 1st half of 2014. Experimentation of cancer therapies:Substantial revenue growth and buoyant momentum in the United States At end-June 2014, Experimentation revenue was up 16%, totaling €2.58m over the 1st half of 2014 versus €2.23m over the same period of 2013. Oncodesign has thus fully benefited from its unique technological platform, which has enabled it to win new contracts in France, but also in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States. Buy Parasites online In the latter country, new orders were notably multiplied by 3.5. Over the first six months of 2014, the portion of Experimentation revenue recorded outside France was 79%. Discovery of new kinase inhibitorsAcceleration in in-house discovery programs thanks to the IPO Over the 1st half of 2014, revenue from research collaboration, notably with IPSEN, Sanofi and UCB, totaled €0.53m, compared with €0.63m a year earlier. These figures correspond to the reimbursement of R&D costs paid by Oncodesign on discovery projects developed within partnerships. Oncodesign’s in-house TGFbR2, SIK2 and RIP2 kinases discovery programs were accelerated in accordance with the objectives of the IPO carried out in March 2014. These R&D efforts will be continued and stepped up over the 2nd half of 2014 in order to accelerate the selection of new drug candidates on these targets of interest in oncology and inflammatory diseases. Net cash position of €10.8m, cash burn limited to €1.5m over the half year At June 30, 2014, Oncodesign had a net cash position of €10.8m taking into account the success of the €12.2m capital increase carried out in March 2014 during the Company’s IPO on the Alternext Paris. Net cash burn, excluding the costs associated with the IPO, totaled €1.5m over the 1st half of 2014. About Amoxil (Amoxicillin) with free Rx This limited figure is notably the result of Oncodesign’s balanced and resilient business model, which combines state-of-the-art R&D activities and repeat revenue from its experimentation services activities. “This first half of 2014 marked a major milestone in Oncodesign’s development. Buy Anafranil (Clomipramine) without prescription As well as our achievements in our business activities, our IPO enabled us to obtain the necessary financial means to successfully execute our business plan and continue our permanent innovation approach aimed at helping as many patients as possible. Anafranil (Clomipramine) with no Rx We are notably striving to support the acceleration of our discovery programs in the promising field of kinase inhibitors and to strengthen the commercial deployment of our experimentation activities in Europe, and around the world”, concludes Philippe Genne, CEO and founder of Oncodesign.

Friday, July 18, 2014

GVK BIO lanca uma nova “marca” para foco renovado no cliente na oferta de servico de desenvolvimento cl'inico

MUMBAI, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A GVK Biosciences (GVK BIO), organizac~ao de desenvolvimento e pesquisa de descobertas l ider na Asia, lancou hoje a nova marca CLINOGENT no setor de desenvolvimento cl inico. A CLINOGENT fornece servicos de desenvolvimento cl inico de ponta a ponta. Ao oferecer estudos de bioequival^encia para a area farmac^eutica gen erica e estudos cl inicos de fase tardia com pacientes para empresas de pesquisa, a CLINOGENT traz experi^encia excepcional na apresentac~ao de soluc~oes para an alise de dados complexos e problemas de comunicac~ao m edica para clientes do mundo inteiro. About Viagra Sublingual (Sildenafil Citrate) with no prescription A CLINOGENT se esforcar a para disponibilizar soluc~oes inovadoras para todos os desafios cl inicos e cient ificos que os clientes enfrentam no neg ocio. CLINOGENT e uma palavra constru ida que significa “organizac~ao de soluc~oes de desenvolvimento cl inico inteligentes e inovadoras”. About Viagra Super Dulox-Force (Sildenafil Citrate + Duloxetine) without prescription A letra “i” e uma unidade especialmente criada com a combinac~ao das cores vermelho e laranja, representando calor, poder e energia, al em de motivar as pessoas a tomar uma atitude. About Zestril (Lisinopril) without prescription O ponto do “i” significa vida, esp irito pioneiro, qualidades de lideranca, promoc~ao da ambic~ao e determinac~ao. O setor de desenvolvimento cl inico, estimada em US$ 16 bilh~oes, est a preparada para crescer a uma taxa constante de 10,5% para US$ 23 bilh~oes at e 2020. Buy Cobix with free Rx As recentes fus~oes e aquisic~oes dentro do setor farmac^eutico e de gen ericos apenas significam que essas empresas focar~ao agressivamente em sua compet^encia principal e terceirizar~ao grandes segmentos de seu processo de P&D para aumentar efici^encias necess arias – de escala, tempo e custos. Buy Natural Cosmetics online Assim, deu-se origem `a necessidade por um provedor de soluc~oes completas de desenvolvimento cl inico. A CLINOGENT est a singularmente posicionada como uma organizac~ao de soluc~oes de desenvolvimento cl inico de servico abrangente e completo que atender a as soluc~oes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de ponta a ponta de empresas farmac^euticas, de gen ericos e biotecnologia, al em de instituic~oes acad^emicas em todo o mundo, tendo como mercados de foco os EUA, a Europa e a Asia. O lancamento de uma nova marca faz parte do plano de crescimento da GVK BIO em levar a organizac~ao para o pr oximo patamar e criar uma marca de refer^encia no setor. A marca CLINOGENT reflete o foco da empresa em reforcar ainda mais a sua experi^encia operacional, seu talento e sua tecnologia, desenvolvendo-se para ser uma especialista e uma provedora que oferece servicos abrangentes no mercado de pesquisa e desenvolvimento cl inico. Falando sobre a oportunidade, o Sr. Manni Kantipudi, diretor executivo da GVK BIO, declarou: “A CLINOGENT ser a uma prestadora de servicos de desenvolvimento cl inico exclusiva da India, j a que ser a capaz de atender `as necessidades cl inicas tanto de empresas de gen ericos quanto de empresas biofarmac^euticas inovadoras de todo o mundo. Estou confiante de que esta etapa trar a maior foco no fornecimento de soluc~oes inovadoras e inteligentes e far a contribuic~oes significativas na cadeia de valor de desenvolvimento cl inico de nossos clientes.” Sobre a GVK BIO A GVK Biosciences (GVK BIO) e a principal organizac~ao de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de descobertas da Asia. A GVK BIO disponibiliza um amplo espectro de servicos integrados em toda a cadeia de valor de P&D e fabricac~ao, com foco em rapidez e qualidade. Os recursos da GVK BIO incluem pesquisa de descobertas, servicos de descobertas, desenvolvimento cl inico, contratos de manufatura, formulac~oes e inform atica. Os 2.400 funcion arios da GVK BIO atendem uma base de clientes diversificada e global composta por mais de 300 clientes satisfeitos. Para mais informac~oes, acesse O texto no idioma original deste an uncio e a vers~ao oficial autorizada. As traduc~oes s~ao fornecidas apenas como uma facilidade e devem se referir ao texto no idioma original, que e a unica vers~ao do texto que tem efeito legal.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Research and Markets Chronic Pancreatitis Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014

. Buy Hangover online Norvasc (Amlodipine) without prescription DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Chronic Pancreatitis Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014" report to their offering. Our clinical trial report, Chronic Pancreatitis Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014" provides data on the Chronic Pancreatitis Pain clinical trial scenario. About Norvir (Ritonavir) with free prescription This report provides elemental information and data relating to the clinical trials on Chronic Pancreatitis Pain. Buy Mysoline (Primidone) without Rx It includes an overview of the trial numbers and their recruitment status as per the site of trial conduction across the globe. The databook offers a preliminary coverage of disease clinical trials by their phase, trial status, prominence of the sponsors and also provides briefing pertaining to the number of trials for the key drugs for treating Chronic Pancreatitis Pain. About Carbimazole This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by Our team of industry experts. Scope Data on the number of clinical trials conducted in North America, South and Central America, Europe, Middle-East and Africa and Asia-pacific and top five national contributions in each, along with the clinical trial scenario in BRIC nations Clinical trial (complete and in progress) data by phase, trial status, subjects recruited and sponsor type Listings of discontinued trials (suspended, withdrawn and terminated) Reasons to buy Understand the dynamics of a particular indication in a condensed manner Abridged view of the performance of the trials in terms of their status, recruitment, location, sponsor type and many more Obtain discontinued trial listing for trials across the globe Espy the commercial landscape of the major Universities / Institutes / Hospitals or Companies For more information visit

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Giant Creative/Strategy Opens Philadelphia Office

. Buy Eczema online SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Giant Creative/Strategy, LLC, the largest full-service independent healthcare communications agency on the West Coast, recently expanded its presence to the East Coast by opening a full-service office in downtown Philadelphia. Giant’s Philadelphia site will include strategy, account management, creative, medical/science, digital design, project management, and other disciplines. The Philadelphia workplace operates with the complete support of the San Francisco headquarters, and Giant expects to increase its growing bi-coastal team to more than 250 people. A group of senior-level professionals is leading the fully integrated strategy and campaign development services at the Philadelphia location. The team includes: Rebecca Greenberg, SVP, Managing Group Director, who was previously at JUICE Pharma Worldwide; Tom Jakab, SVP, Creative Director, who joined Giant from CDM Princeton; and Becky Bodenner, SVP, Creative Director, who formerly worked at Dudnyk. Eric Steckelman, SVP, Managing Director, is the lead liaison to San Francisco. “The best of the west in now coming east. This is an exciting time for Giant as we foster new relationships and enrich our existing ones with pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies on the East Coast and across the country,” said Steven Gold, Giant principal. Epivir (Lamivudine) with no prescription “Now, regardless of where they re located, clients can benefit from our unique brand of senior-level thinking and execution." About Giant Creative/Strategy, LLC Giant is the largest full-service independent healthcare communications agency on the West Coast and now has a full-service office in Philadelphia to provide greater geographic proximity to East Coast accounts. Eriacta (Sildenafil Citrate) with no Rx Giant specializes in positioning and branding, and strategic and creative development for pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and diagnostics companies. Buy Elavil (Amitriptyline) with free prescription In 2013, Giant won the Manny Awards Agency of the Year Category II. By putting the most seasoned professionals on the front lines of each piece of business, Giant consistently exceeds expectations through Giant insights, ideas, and execution. Belok with free Rx Together with its clients, Giant Creative/Strategy builds Giant brands and delivers Giant results.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company Strengthens Board of Directors with Appointment of Robert H. Rosen

La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company Strengthens Board of Directors with Appointment of Robert H. Rosen

SAN DIEGO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company (Nasdaq: LJPC) (the “Company” or “La Jolla”), a leader in the development of therapeutics targeting significant unmet life-threatening diseases, today announced the appointment of Robert H. Rosen to the Company’s Board of Directors. “We are honored to have Rob, who has a wealth of successful drug development and commercialization experience, join the board of directors of La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company,” said George Tidmarsh, Chief Executive Officer of La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company. “This will be especially important as we prepare to accelerate our drug development efforts.” Robert H. Rosen is currently President and a Director of Heron Therapeutics, a Nasdaq-listed specialty pharmaceutical company developing products using its Biochonomer polymer-based drug delivery platform. Buy Cozaar (Losartan) with no prescription He joined the company in October 2012 as Sr. Buy Crestor (Rosuvastatin) with free Rx Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer. Buy Cordarone (Amiodarone) with no Rx Prior to Heron, Mr. About Avita with no Rx Rosen was Managing Partner of Scotia Nordic LLC. Buy Dairy online From April 2011 to March 2012, Mr. Rosen served as Senior Vice President of Global Commercial Operations at Dendreon Corporation, a biotechnology company. Prior to Dendreon, he served as global head of oncology at Bayer HealthCare, where he was responsible for the development of the global oncology business unit for regions that included the Americas, Europe, Japan, and Asia Pacific from 2005 to 2011. During his tenure at Bayer Healthcare, he led the launch of Nexavar for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. Nexavar’s worldwide sales in 2011 were $1.0 billion. He also led premarket activities for Stivarga for gastrointestinal stromal tumors and colon cancer and alpharadin for prostate cancer. From 2002 to 2005, Mr. Rosen was vice president of the oncology business unit at Sanofi-Synthèlabo, where he was responsible for the development of Sanofi’s U.S. oncology business and the launch of Eloxatin for colon cancer. Eloxatin U.S. sales in 2005, its third full year on the market, were $1.1 billion, ranking it among the industry’s most successful oncology drug launches. Mr. Rosen received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from Northeastern University. About La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative therapeutics for chronic organ failure and cancer. GCS-100, the Company s lead product candidate, is a first-in-class inhibitor of galectin-3, a novel molecular target implicated in chronic organ failure and cancer. GCS-100 currently is in Phase 2 clinical development for chronic kidney disease (CKD). LJPC-501, the Company’s second product candidate, is a natural peptide for the potential treatment of hepatorenal syndrome. LJPC-401, the Company’s third product candidate, is a natural peptide for the potential treatment of iron overload. For more information on the Company, please visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

RBCC to Expand Market for 'Underused' Addiction Treatment With New Technology

Rainbow Coral Corp. (OTCBB: RBCC) received a boost recently when researchers reported that a medication that could help tens of thousands of alcoholics quit drinking are underused.
According to the high-profile findings, which were reported by the New York Times, About Actos without prescription the prescription drug Naltrexone can help reduce cravings for alcohol by fine-tuning the brain’s chemical rewards system. A lack of awareness among doctors as well as other factors have resulted in the drug’s being underused, researchers reported earlier this month. Because the Affordable Care Act requires insurers to provide coverage for substance abuse treatments and services, many addiction specialists expect to see increases this year in the number of people seeking medical help for alcoholism About Dostinex (Cabergoline) with free Rx.
That’s good news for RBCC. The company formed a joint venture with TheraKine, Ltd., to deliver a new injectable, sustained-release technology poised to vastly improve patients' use of Naltrexone. Phase I of the joint venture's research established excellent compatibility between the drug and TheraKine's hydrophobic injection matrix, as well as a highly promising release profile. Buy Micronase (Glyburide (Glibenclamide)) with free Rx Phase II focused on micronization of the technology as well as extension of its sustained release time.
This summer, RBCC will focus on demonstrating the new technology’s readiness for market with the number of prescriptions for alcoholism predicted to rise.
RBCC's biotech division, Rainbow BioSciences, is working with partners such as TheraKine to capitalize Buy Micardis Hct (Telmisartan - Hydrochlorothiazide) without prescription on the incredible growth of the global drug delivery market by delivering new medical and research technology innovations in order to compete alongside companies such as Bristol Myers Squibb Co. (NYSE: BMY), Biogen Idec Inc. (NASDAQ: BIIB), Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT) and Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (NYSE: VRX).

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Rainbow Biosciences, LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rainbow Coral Corp. (OTCBB: RBCC). Buy Vitamins online The Company continually seeks out new partnerships with biotechnology developers to deliver profitable new medical technologies and innovations.
Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipate" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. WebMD Magazine In addition, description of anyone's past success, either financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the Company assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Danish Mental Health Services hones medication monitoring with SAS®

The Mental Health Services of the Capital Region of Denmark has revamped its medical monitoring with SAS®.About 5-Amino Salicylic Acid with free Rx With quick access to patient medication histories, Mental Health Services is improving patient care.
“SAS has given us the first medical monitoring system of its kind in Denmark. With a few clicks, we see details of an individual’s medication history, which enables us to make accurate decisions about patients’ medications.”
With more than 5,000 employees treating nearly 40,000 citizens with mental illnesses each year, About Zyloprim (Allopurinol), Mental Health Services knows that only accurate medication records provide a clear, detailed overview of medication that has been prescribed and consumed.
“We work with facts, not gut feelings. Our data has to be right,” explained Peter Treufeldt, Assistant Medical Director at Mental Health Services. “SAS has given us the first medical monitoring system of its kind in Denmark. Feldene (Piroxicam) without Rx With a few clicks, we see details of an individual’s medication history, which enables us to make accurate decisions about patients’ medications.”
For the medical monitoring system, the Quality and Development Department of the Mental Health Services uses SAS Business Intelligence and SAS Data Management solutions.
“In addition to a full overview of drug consumption patterns, the monitoring system provides a quick, easy-to-read graph of patients’ medication history,” said Peter Jantzen, Chief Physician from the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Center in Glostrup. About Famvir (Famciclovir) with no Rx “We can give patients better information by showing them the effects of different medications and dosages. With SAS, we simply have faster access to the organization’s complete ‘memory’ in relation to drug consumption.”
Before SAS, physicians searched myriad screenshots, spending up to 15 minutes per patient to ascertain medication history. WebMD Review SAS eliminates manual searching, the need for cumbersome spreadsheets, and human error. The solution has significantly decreased medication doses above recommended levels, and the agency is also reducing polypharmacy, the use of multiple medications by a patient.
“SAS ensures we are making medication decisions based on quality, accurate data,” added Dorte Münter, Team Manager at Mental Health Services. “With an overview of a patient’s medication history, physicians can search for a patient, organizational unit, drug, or combinations of drugs to get the information they need, when they need it. This insight also ensures that the agency is delivering high quality in patient care and safety.”
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SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions, SAS helps customers at more than 70,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2014 SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.