Monday, March 10, 2014

Danish Mental Health Services hones medication monitoring with SAS®

The Mental Health Services of the Capital Region of Denmark has revamped its medical monitoring with SAS®.About 5-Amino Salicylic Acid with free Rx With quick access to patient medication histories, Mental Health Services is improving patient care.
“SAS has given us the first medical monitoring system of its kind in Denmark. With a few clicks, we see details of an individual’s medication history, which enables us to make accurate decisions about patients’ medications.”
With more than 5,000 employees treating nearly 40,000 citizens with mental illnesses each year, About Zyloprim (Allopurinol), Mental Health Services knows that only accurate medication records provide a clear, detailed overview of medication that has been prescribed and consumed.
“We work with facts, not gut feelings. Our data has to be right,” explained Peter Treufeldt, Assistant Medical Director at Mental Health Services. “SAS has given us the first medical monitoring system of its kind in Denmark. Feldene (Piroxicam) without Rx With a few clicks, we see details of an individual’s medication history, which enables us to make accurate decisions about patients’ medications.”
For the medical monitoring system, the Quality and Development Department of the Mental Health Services uses SAS Business Intelligence and SAS Data Management solutions.
“In addition to a full overview of drug consumption patterns, the monitoring system provides a quick, easy-to-read graph of patients’ medication history,” said Peter Jantzen, Chief Physician from the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Center in Glostrup. About Famvir (Famciclovir) with no Rx “We can give patients better information by showing them the effects of different medications and dosages. With SAS, we simply have faster access to the organization’s complete ‘memory’ in relation to drug consumption.”
Before SAS, physicians searched myriad screenshots, spending up to 15 minutes per patient to ascertain medication history. WebMD Review SAS eliminates manual searching, the need for cumbersome spreadsheets, and human error. The solution has significantly decreased medication doses above recommended levels, and the agency is also reducing polypharmacy, the use of multiple medications by a patient.
“SAS ensures we are making medication decisions based on quality, accurate data,” added Dorte Münter, Team Manager at Mental Health Services. “With an overview of a patient’s medication history, physicians can search for a patient, organizational unit, drug, or combinations of drugs to get the information they need, when they need it. This insight also ensures that the agency is delivering high quality in patient care and safety.”
For more information on business intelligence, please read The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2013.

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